
Saturday 18 July 1998, 00.10

No, nothing's started yet. I got back from Häcktet not long ago. Stockholm was sunny and warm today, one of those perfect summer days we thought would be just perfect for the start of Europride, back at the beginning of 1996 when the whole thing started.

I left work early to do some chair-shifting at the Europride conference centre (aka Södermalm School). Eyes fixed on a copy of Svenska Dagbladet - the 'other' daily paper, here with the most fantastic two-page spread on Europride. A journalist who knows their stuff! Wow! Stockholm is getting the rainbow flag's colours taught to them. People will begin to understand.

Later, Ann and I take a bus through the town and see the big, joyful, rainbow flags flying on Skeppsbron, in sight of the Royal Palace. And more in front of the Central Station. With 'EuroPride 98' in large friendly letters on them. So no mistaking - Stockholm is coming out to itself.

The TV news has coverage from Pride Park, under construction right now, and lots about Elisabeth Ohlson's big photo exhibition Ecce Homo that's been sooo controversial, at least for some of the more extreme rural Christian churches. They say they're praying for us. Ecce Homo pictures scenes from Christ's life, but with all the roles, people and situations, taken from our world. AIDS, Pride festivals, drag queens, the lot. Elisabeth is lesbian and a brilliant spokesperson for all of us. Here, on TV, in little old Sweden.

I better stop gushing before going much further.

Anyway, the chair-shifting gang met for a beer at Häcktet, now busy with people we don't recognise, folk from out of town, and some foreign visitors. We exchange stories, I hold forth on exactly why I don't want any straight people in Pride Park, and I almost forget to worry that I'm once again amongst a bunch of lesbians when I should be out there checking out the men. Well except the straight but entirely cool volunteer who got the worst of my diatribe...

The oddest thing is that we know this week will change Stockholm entirely, maybe even Sweden, and certainly it's going to be quite an experience for me. But how? What's going to happen? Will it stop raining after tomorrow afternoon? The thing is, we have no idea. It's really exciting.

But I'm tired, I have to go to bed you know...

1 kommentar:

Robert Cumming sa...

Jag vet inte vilka argument som jag använde mot strejta på Pride, men Asiktstorped-Micke har skrivit ett öppet brev till dem som täcker 2008 årets alla behov.